Friday, April 12, 2013

Jourmal Prompt # 5

"We teach to think not by giving lessons in thinking, but by giving experiences in which thought is required."



  1. I like how I’m going on a tour of your various locations. I hope the child you were watching was sleeping☺. I like your use of examples- we all use stories to teach and learn. Good point that school- as an institution- is a relatively new thing. I love the Laura Ingalls Wilder books. I had not heard about the possibility of cutting school times in other countries- and kindergarten being associated with a garden. Great analogy! How wonderful to have been taught to explore the world/information on your own- I agree that many aren’t taught that as much anymore. Although we all quickly use google! I remember card catalogues. You do read a lot- which is great.

  2. The older children were doing homework and the three year old was watching her two favorite television shows (I almost never let them watch tv when I watch them, so it was special for her!)
