Thursday, March 26, 2015

Independence Folders

Another thought I've had for my future students is Independence Folders.

Independence Folderwill be Accordion-style folders with tabs, or 3-ring binders with tabbed dividers  - it may be based on student choice, maybe not, I haven't decided yet.

This is even fancier - I think it was
sold at barnesandnoble,com

My "fancy" plastic accordion-style folder
that I use for handouts and homework

They will be kept in a special place in the classroom and will always be accessible to students - I will make sure that my Sub Plans state that students have access to them, especially if they are in a not-obvious spot.

The sections will be labeled in a way that makes sense to each student - we will have a day at the beginning of the year that includes the setting up and instructions for using them.

Independence Folders feature self-directed activities that cover subjects we are studying. Students will be required to complete a specific number of activities per subject per quarter, some activities may be required, and some optional.

They will include [specific] website exploration with a related recording sheet/log; math drills; charting weather, health, growth, milestones, special events, number of books read; science experiments; etc.

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