I had my Human Development and Learning Midterm today, I think I did really well! (I made a post regarding the Mnemonic Device I used to remember Erik Erikson's Stages of Development.)
On Tuesday, I had my geology midterm (today we are watching a video and doing a work sheet - kind of like high school!). Before the test, my teacher was giving us some information about an upcoming project, and she added some advice that has tucked itself into my brain, I've been ruminating on it all week!
She said,
"Parent/Teacher Conferences are great, because you get to meet the Tree that your Apple came from."
Isn't that wonderful? What a great way to look at it. My mom took this idea and ran with it, she suggested that I squirrel that quote away and wait until two weeks beforeParent/Teacher Conferences (PTC), then work with the kids on Family Trees and have the children make themselves the apple on their tree. Then when the parents come to PTC, have them wear apple name tags and it would be my own private joke. She said I'll need it because PTC are also one of the most frustrating parts of being a teacher!
Last night I had a dream about it and in my dream the parents were wearing tree-shaped nametags with a small apple that had their child's name on it! (which wouldn't be hard with a CRICUT thingy)
Josh & his Mom are fictitious! |
I haven't updated in awhile, because this semester is drawing to a close and I am up to my eyeballs in semester projects!
School Stuff
I spent a good part of the weekend working on my Lesson Plan Portfolio for Geology. I will probably post some of them this summer (After I test them out on real children?) Here are the Graphics, Titles and Topics for your viewing pleasure: (Feel free to email me at midnightpeapod(at)gmail(dot)com if you really want to see the lesson plan, intended grade level, and corresponding Michigan GLCS.)
Magnificent M&M's Make Us Super Sleuths - The Scientific Method |
Under Pressure - Weather Measurement |
Fake Fossils - Fossils |
Classroom Change-Up - Humans impact our environment. |
Ice Cube Circus - Water as a liquid and solid. |
The Moon is a Cookie - Phases of the Moon |
Thanks to Google and YouTube, while figuring out what I would do for this unit, I found this video. As a result, I have had this song stuck in my head for the last two days :
Mudslide - Erosion |
Plant People - The Sun helps things grow. |
Recycling Relay - The supply of natural resources is limited. |
Soil Stroll - Identify Earth materials that occur in nature. |
The Sun is a Cookie - Identify the Sun as a common object in the sky. |
This lesson includes this video while the students are enjoying the product of their labor:
Time to Use Our Resources - Using Earth Materials |
Tornado Training - Severe Weather Safety |
The Water Cycle Arts - The Water Cycle |
The Water Cycle Song tune is "She'll be Coming 'Round the Mountain." Included in this activity is making a bracelet, both came from Mrs. Bainbridge's Class blog.
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