Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Album Cover Meme. . . Yes, again - but this time it has more purpose!!!

I originally posted the directions here. I have since modified my own modification, because I'm using it as a writing prompt for my Writing Process class:

How to Make Your Own Album Cover - The GeekyFutureTeacher Way
I modified the original meme to suit my style. (I especially diskined the "third picture no matter what" mandatory-ness of it, and I felt like it was missing some steps!)
  1. Click Here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random) - this is the title of your band 
  2. Click Here (http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3) - use 3-5 words from a quote on this page as the title of your album.
  3. Click Here (http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days) - Choose an album cover.
  4. Use your favorite photo editor (mine is picmonkey, other people love photoshop) to put it all together (and make it square).
  5. Click Here (http://www.manythings.org/rs/svoc.html) -  Click on "three sentences," choose the title of your hit single! (Can be part of a sentence)
  6. Pick a genre/style for your band.
  7. Write an anecdotal blog post about an On Tour adventure, how the band got started, or a convoluted fan experience.

    Rather than take the time for everyone to create their own album cover, I made a few for inspiration:
    (The bonus with this method is that you get to choose which words are the Name, album, and in some cases, song title!!!!)

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